This is Gunther, our 106 pound part Great Dane part Labrador baby. Before we came to see Larry LeoGrande owner of K9 Obedience Training, Gunther thought he was king of the house and of our furniture. He also was showing some dominance towards us. Larry was wonderful with explaining dog’s behavior to us and worked with us in getting Gunther under control. Gunther is now a well adjusted dog and has come a long way in obedience training. Larry was extremely knowledgeable. He made himself available for questions or concerns that we had. I would highly recommend Larry’s training program to anyone that has concerns about their dog’s behavior.
Thanks Larry and Gunther thanks you too.
Karen & Vinny
Sherrill, NY

Susan Cochran, Vesta & Kodiak
These are my two dogs Vesta, a five year old female Weimaraner and Kodiak, a three year old male German Shorthair Pointer. Both dogs have completed obedience training sessions. I can only say good things about K9 Obedience Training methods, his manner of teaching and knowledge of dogs is superb. He always takes the time to answer your questions and help you overcome behavior problems. One year later both dogs still follow the commands they were taught in class and the best part is I don’t need to coax them with a treat to do it. They do it because they want to! I would like to get both dogs involved in agility in the future. Hopefully K9 Obedience Training will be the one to help teach them!!
Susan Cochran
Whitesboro, N.Y.

Judy Kinney & Bailey
Bailey was a “pound puppy” and almost three years old when I contacted Larry LeoGrande owner of K9 Obedience Training for obedience training. As a first time dog owner, I was completely ignorant to the psyche of a dog, as well as the mistakes we had made in trying to improve Bailey’s behavior.
His approach is as impressive as his obvious love of dogs and his desire to, not only train, but to create a bond between the owner and pet. During the course of training, he encouraged me to call if I had any questions, or if Bailey appeared frustrated with any aspect of the training. Bailey would indeed let me know if he didn’t like a particular “exercise”, and I would call him. He would instruct me on what adjustments to make, and as he assured me, Bailey would respond.
Bailey become happier, more attentive, responsive and calmer as we completed the individual training. We also did group training that allowed me to introduce Bailey into more public settings, which I had previously avoided. The results with Bailey were a testament to K9 Obedience Training skills and understanding of dogs and the relationship that needs to exist between a dog and owner.
Bailey had such anticipation and excitement now about the time we spent together, but he also understood his role and the expectations. The results for me were beyond anything I thought possible. I had established such a new bond with Bailey, even though I had raised him for almost three years. I began to incorporate walks, play time and little refresher training into my daily routine. I couldn’t wait to get home to him. I was able to take Bailey to so many places with new confidence – it was wonderful for both of us.
I highly recommend K9 Obedience Training services to anyone who would like to make a commitment and an investment in a new relationship with their dog. The initial objective of obedience training was a success, and the process of working with a certified trainer brought about a level of understanding between Bailey and myself that was an unexpected bonus. I gave K9 Obedience Training my trust, and in return, he gave me times to treasure with Bailey.
Judy Kinney
New Hartford, NY

Linder and David Jaeckels & Bandit
My name is Bandit. I am a graduate of K9 Obedience Training. My mom and dad, Linder and Dave, confidently take me for walks in public places because I heel, sit and am a really good boy around other dogs, too. People frequently stop to comment on my good behavior.
Larry LeoGrande’s training course was firm and demanding, but also fun. All of this has made me a better member of our family. I’m glad I went to K9 Obedience Training!
Linder and David Jaeckels
Barneveld, NY

The Stockbridge Family & Rocky
We would recommend Larry LeoGrande owner of K9 Obedience Training to anyone that is at wit’s end with a disobedient dog. We had Rocky for two years. Everything we were doing to train him was not working. We decided it was time for a dog trainer. The instructor came to our home and did an evaluation of Rocky spending two hours with us. He told us many things about our dog that we never knew.
Rocky’s training days were Saturdays, which became a family event. He trained Rocky and taught us how to train Rocky with our two little girls pushing doll strollers and riding bikes around us. I am pleased to say the once disobedient dog that would not come when you called him, took us for a walk instead of us walking him, chased our mailman and got into our garbage is now doing very well with all of these things. Thank you for all of your help.
The Stockbridge Family
Whitesboro, NY

Donna Daly & Sydney
Our family adopted our dog, Sydney, who was a stray, from a local animal shelter. Since Sydney was a stray, we virtually knew nothing about his background. We quickly grew to love him, however, he did show some signs of aggression toward a family member and toward a neighbor. We seriously considered returning Sydney to the shelter. Our children were quite upset and our oldest daughter begged us to give Sydney one more chance by allowing Larry LeoGrande owner of K9 Obedience Training to train him. We doubted that a dog trainer could make a significant impact on a dog’s aggressive tendencies, but we agreed to the training and saw it as a last hope to keep Sydney in our family.
We soon discovered that he was a dedicated professional who was able to zero in on Sydney’s problems. He began educating us about Sydney’s fear aggression and also about Sydney’s confusion over who was the leader of our household. To our utter amazement, after completing the training, Sydney became a sweet, loving dog toward our family and toward our friends who come to visit.
We were very pleased with the outcome and very impressed with K9 Obedience Training professionalism and dedication. Even after Sydney’s training had ended, he always made himself available to us with any of our questions or concerns. We highly recommend K9 Obedience Training for any of your dog training needs.
Donna Daly
New Hartford, NY

Laura Misiaszek & Oskar
I have a Norwegian Elk Hound. I hired Larry LeoGrande owner of K9 Obedience Training to help me train him. He worked one on one with me and my two sons at our home. I really liked the firm but gentle way he had with my dog. He didn’t just teach us how to control the dog, he taught us how to get respect from the dog. He was always patient with us and never put a time limit on the training. The sessions were not over until the training of the dog and my sons and I were comfortable with its success. Oskar is now just over two and he is a wonderful pet. He’s full of energy but is no longer destructive in behavior and he is great with all my sons friends that come over. I also bought a Lhasa Opso a year later and the two of them get along unbelievably. I would highly recommend K9 Obedience Training to train any dog.
Laura Misiaszek
New Hartford, NY

Erica Volo & Buster
We added a new addition to our family. Little did we know that this adorable sweet faced beauty would change our lives in more ways than one. Buster is our English Springer Spaniel who we adopted at the age of 4 months. It was unfortunate that he spent much of his puppy days in a cage. When we first met Buster our interaction was definitely a bonding experience from the puppy kisses to his wetting due to all of the excitement.
Buster initially was so over stimulated that he was very hard to control; just walking him was a challenge. I thought raising a son was difficult. Between Busters non stop energy and excitability combined with his playfulness, I was not in for a treat.
We tried training classes. Round 1 was no successful. I was certainly determined to get Buster trained enough where we cold truly enjoy him and not have to panic whenever we got company not knowing what to expect from him. Just about everyone that came to the house would get literally showered with his love and jumped on persistently. I continued with our daily walks and searched for an answer.
One of my friends provided me with the name of “a good trainer”. That is when I met Larry LeoGrande K-9 Obedience Training. Our first meeting with Larry was a positive start. Buster and I went through 8 weeks of training and he progressed nicely. The consistency and practice paid off. Buster learned how to sit, stay, down stay, heel and come. This training with K-9 Obedience Training gave Buster and me the opportunity to bond, get to better know one another and enjoy each others company.
Busters favorite times are his daily walks, boating, swimming, bathing, grooming and going for rides. We have all learned to enjoy out new addition to our family. As Larry has said training doesn’t end after lessons, it is something that you must continue to work on and be constant with.
Larry, thank you for all of the knowledge, time and patience you have to Buster and I. The results are rewarding.
Erica Volo
Thomas C. Mathew, MD & Sparky
We acquired our Doberman Pincher Sparky when he was 12 weeks old. After several unsatisfactory sessions with other local pet training centers, we were fortunate to be referred by a friend to Larry Leogrande at K9 Obedience Training. Sparky has turned out to a very obedient and friendly dog with a great temperament; he gets along great with both the children (ages 11 and 5) as well as all the other dogs in our neighborhood. We have been impressed by Larry’s professional approach to dog training, his honesty and above all, the loving and gentle manner in which he handles our dog. Larry also offers top-notch boarding services which we quite frequently use and are immensely satisfied with. We recommend K9 Obedience Training highly to any dog owner who will settle for nothing but the very best!
Thomas C. Mathew, MD
New Hartford, New York

Borruso Family & Champ
This is our black lab “Champ”. When we decided to become dog owners, we wanted our dog to be obedient and socialized. We immediately made the decision to enroll Champ into some type of obedience training.
Upon choosing K-9 Obedience Training and meeting Larry LeoGrande, we knew that we chose the right trainer. From the start, Larry was professional, patient, and extremely knowledgeable. Our puppy took a liking to Larry the moment they met, as Larry did to him. We enrolled Champ into two separate sessions of obedience training. As a result of these training sessions and the friendship that Larry and Champ have created, Champ is featured in Larry’s most recent training video, and today we have a well behaved, obedient pet that our family enjoys immensely!
Larry has always been very attentive to Champ’s needs and has always given him the best of care.
Whenever our family travels and Champ cannot accompany us, we always send him to Larry for his kennel services. We never worry about the care that is given to him while we are away.
In addition to Larry’s obedience training and his kennel services, Larry has educated us on the proper diet that Champ should have as well as providing the dog food recommended right on premise.
We fully recommend Larry and his services to anyone with a family pet. The results are remarkable!
We would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you Larry. We wouldn’t have such a well behaved pet without you!”
Tony and Julie Borruso and family
Lee Center, NY